When someone asks me what I do for a living and I reply “I am a Virtual Consultant”, most of the time I get a blank stare….nothing….crickets!  I then proceed to explain the basics of what I do and who I help.  But I also reiterate that I specialize in specific things that other Virtual Consultants (VC) don’t and vice versa. You see, Virtual Consulting is a field, not really a title.  It encompasses so many different specialties, styles and passions.  Not one virtual consultant is the same in what they do, how they operate, and who they help.  Our clients and what we’re really great at vary. 

So what is the definition, then? We’re independent contractors who provide an array of services including, but not limited to: administrative support, marketing, social media management, web design/support, content creation, creative design, and so much more!  Some of us are “solopreneurs” and some of us work through agencies or subcontract.  Most of us have at least a couple years of experience in what we do under our belts before deciding to venture out into the entrepreneurial world.

So why hire a Virtual Consultant (VC)? Consider these 10 beneficial-to-your-business points: 

  1. We are contractors so we don’t require any of the benefits that a full-time employee requires
  2. We work remotely, for the most part, so you don’t have to provide a work-space at your place of business
  3. You will free up more time by delegating tasks/projects that are taking up your time to a VC and will be able to focus on creativity, client communication, and high-value work
  4. Organization – this is something that VCs excel at and perhaps you need some sprucing up in your processes and workflows
  5. Cover areas you don’t excel in – there are so many facets to running a business and possibly you have trouble keeping your email inbox organized or updating your website. These small tasks are important, but can fall behind when you get busy. 
  6. Work-Life balance – if you find that all you’re doing is working and can’t remember the last time you did something you enjoyed outside of running your business, then it might be time to consider delegating some tasks and/or projects to a Virtual Consultant. We love our businesses, but having a life outside of it is just as important!
  7. You’ll have someone to collaborate Sometimes you just need another person that’s super excited about what you do to discuss some of your projects and ideas with.
  8. Scalabilitybecause you won’t have an employee, the cost is lower AND you’ll increase your ROI as your business grows.
  9. Expertise – because we all specialize in an industry, you can contract a VC or two and know that you’ll get the very best value for your money!
  10. Peace of Mind – knowing you have someone you trust to help in areas you don’t enjoy doing or just don’t have time for is one of the best reasons!  

The list above doesn’t cover all of the reasons why, but as you can see there are many!  If you’re stressed, feel like you need more time and help in certain areas, or just don’t enjoy doing certain aspects in your business, definitely consider contracting with a Virtual Consultant.

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