Type in the word “system” into google and two definitions come up:

  • “a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network” OR
  • “a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method”Either one can be applied to how you should start business. Systems are essential for creating and maintaining a healthy and prosperous business.Without them, you will be stuck in chaos, slow to deliver your services, and lost in the sea of too-muchness!So what should you think of when starting to plan a system?

Either one can be applied to how you should start business. Systems are essential for creating and maintaining a healthy and prosperous business.

Without them, you will be stuck in chaos, slow to deliver your services, and lost in the sea of too-muchness!

So what should you think of when starting to plan a system?

  1. YOU – this in my opinion is the most important aspect of the equation. Without it, the other two will fail! How do you work? Are you a pen and paper type person, want to do things all online, or hybrid (this is me!)? Is technology foreign to you or are you a pro? Do you like lists, boards, maps? Knowing how YOU work is going to set yourself up for success in the future. Don’t worry about what everyone else is saying you should use. It needs to work for you!
  2. Tools – anything you will use to help you organize, compile and keep you on track. Piece of paper and pen work for you? GREAT! As long as you know you will use it consistently! Want the works and all the shiny new software? Wonderful! As long as you will take the time to learn and use them. Tools are wonderful and essential for your biz especially in the online sector.
  3. Strategy – you’ve figured out how you like to work, what tools coencide with that. Next comes the planning. Map/list out ALL of your systems and what tools you will use for each.

What’s a system you’ve created that has helped you stay on-track within your business? Or, what system are you strategizing about right now?