Ever wonder what the essentials are for a sales funnel?

Hint…it’s a combination of strategy AND a sales page and/or emails, cart, and deliverables.

Awareness – this can be different from business owner to business owner. You’re reading this on Instagram, it’s one of my favorite social media tools I use to bring awareness of my business and offers I have. Other ways to bring awareness to your offer: warm email list, webinar, podcasts, video, blogging (slowest way), presentations in other community groups, Facebook groups

Interest – the ever-popular landing/sales page is a traditional way to gain interest. It’s where you lay out the problem, details of your offer, and transformation. A sales page doesn’t have to be complicated, you can accomplish interest if you know your ICA with very effective messaging and a genuine desire to provide the service.

Call to Action – If you think you have too many CTAs, you don’t. I often times find that there aren’t enough on my client’s sales pages and add more. You need to be telling the person over and over again to ‘join, sign up, etc’.

Emails!! – Don’t want to do this? Tough! Yeah, I know, but I’m giving you a reality check. You need an email service provider (Mailerlite, Flodesk, Convertkit, ActiveCampaign, etc) set up and ready to go BEFORE you launch. How are people supposed to know that they signed up successfully, what they’re supposed to do next (FB Group, Zoom links, everything your offer entails).

Decision – back to emails. A simple, genuine sales sequence via your ESP can continue the reminder and CTA for someone to make a decision. It’s essential.

Action – someone buys, yay!! Now, what? Your funnel isn’t done….send out that exciting “welcome to my offer” email, give them the deliverables (if there are any)….YOU have to guide them on what happens next and what actions they need to take.

There you go….a little bit of strategy a little bit of a tools list.

This is what I advise my clients on whenever we are about to launch something new.

Does your funnel have AT LEAST these running parts included?

There’s more strategy to this and that’s what I do BEFORE building out the actual tech side of a funnel in specific tools.

What questions do you have, drop them below in the comment box OR send me an email👇