And I Had to Stop Everything…..
I mentioned over on my Instagram story last week that I experienced major work burnout in January. Part of it was due to all the sickness my family was going through (colds, flus, all the fun stuff 😷) and the other part was me and how I lost focus on what I was trying to do in my business.
I fell into the trap of listening to too many people in FB groups, in my inbox (soooo many subscriptions), and generally online of what I should and shouldn’t be doing. I was downloading all the free courses, pdf’s, any kind of opt-in you could imagine. And of course, I got so overwhelmed and just lost the desire to do anything. I was also stressing about the services I was trying to offer and wasn’t excited about it (although it seemed that way on my SM channels). I was frozen in my fear of doing something wrong. I was listening to too many opinions on what was right. So, I stopped. I didn’t do anything for my business for over two weeks. And I needed it.
Then I began to think about what I was doing and why. I started my business to share and help others in their entrepreneurial journey. And yes, make a bit of money too. But, I wasn’t feeling it. I knew I didn’t want to give up, but I also didn’t want to keep moving forward the way I was. So, I made a list (ohhh how I love my lists!): what have I enjoyed doing so far and what do I just roll my eyes at or tense up with. Administrative work and visual content creation were out. I’m not knocking these, I know a lot of Virtual Consultants who LOVE it and I love that. But, not for me.
What have I enjoyed doing? Research, writing, and WordPress updates! Specifically blogging and email newsletters. I enjoy researching a topic then typing up what I’ve learned in my voice or for a client. Putting together a newsletter that’s going to be sent out to readers who are excited to receive it, just makes me smile. And I do enjoy playing with my WordPress website, updating links, blogs, adding new writing content. Why not focus on these three things, and toss out the rest? Just because I can do it, doesn’t mean I should. And, it’s my business and I can choose to do what I want 😉.
So, what’s my point to all of this?
- You will begin your entrepreneurial journey in one place and end up at another. And, somewhere down the line, it will probably evolve into something else compared to where you are now.
- It’s ok to change your mind – I think fear often holds us in one place and we’re scared of change and to move forward.
- Mindset is EVERYTHING. I did not have the best entrepreneurial mindset when I launched in October which let to work burnout. But, I am growing and learning knowing that I can do this and I have something to offer to some amazing clients out there
- Stay in your lane – I’m sure you’ve heard of imposter syndrome. Ignore it, push it aside mentally. You keep doing what you’re doing and you have your unique voice. Even if you are offering a service similar to someone else, it’s still YOU providing said service with your processes and creativeness.
- Pick only a handful of mentors to help guide you in this journey. As I mentioned above, I was following too many people which led to so much confusion. Now I follow one person for all the techie stuff, one person for social media tips, one person for writing help and inspiration, and one person for self-motivation and improvement. There are so many greats out there, find who resonates for you!
- Don’t do it all alone – share with your friends, family members, and/or a FB group of people who are like-minded and know what you’re going through. Ask questions and someone (or more generally) is usually always happy to help and share what they know with you.
Now that I’ve discovered what I enjoy doing, sharing, and helping others with; I will move on to improving these skills over time and avoid work burnout in the process. Being passionate and excited about these services is what I’ve hoped to achieve so far. And, I move forward with more confidence and a positive mindset for the future of my business, collaborations, and future clientele.