Your Online Business Manager 

Let’s Get Sh*t Done!


Are you overwhelmed with your business’s day-to-day operations?

Do you feel digitally messy and unorganized?

Do you struggle to find time for strategic planning and growth?

Do you find you have no time to create and innovate because you are delegating and managing every day?

When was the last time you felt like you could leave your business for a vacation?

Do you feel guilty because you are so busy you have no time for your family? And that’s why you started your business in the first place – to have ALL the moments!

Are your processes in need of a revamp?

Do you find yourself dreaming about having someone to share your ideas and help you make them a reality?

Having trouble scaling to the next level of your business?


I understand the unique challenges faced by solopreneurs and small business owners. My mission is to provide tailored online business management services that empower you to focus on your core business activities while I handle the rest.  With a passion for organization, efficiency, and growth, I am dedicated to transforming your business operations.


Operational effiency

  • Process Optimization: I analyze and refine your business processes for maximum efficiency.
  • Project Management: From initiation to completion, I ensure your projects stay on track and within budget.
  • System Implementation: I set up and manage the tools and systems you need for seamless operations.

Stay Organized

Staying organized in your business is essential for maximizing efficiency and driving growth. I help you streamline operations and manage tasks seamlessly, ensuring you can focus on achieving your business goals with clarity and precision.

Drive Revenue

When you have your backend systems, automation, and integrations working for you, the tasks and projects you need to complete to drive revenue will get done. 

Where Are You at in Your Business?

Unlock Your Business Potential with an Expert Online Business Management

I Know I Need Help, I’m Not Sure Where to Start

Through a free 30 minute call, we can discuss what types of services will help you in the now and in the future for your business.

I Need Monthly Support

  • 20+ hours of OBM services per month

Online Business Management Services

Online Business Implmenetation Services

I Have Some Projects I Need Help With

Funnels: Lead Magnet, Sales, Waitlists, Opt-ins

Email Marketing: Builds, Migration, Sequences, Lists, Opt-ins, Waitlists

Systems Blueprint & Mapping

SOP Creation

8 Reasons to Hire an OBM

Strategic Planning: An online business manager (OBM) helps you develop and implement strategic plans to achieve your business goals. They provide clarity and direction, ensuring that every action taken aligns with your long-term vision.

Time Management: OBMs take over the daily operations and management tasks, allowing you to focus on high-level strategies and creative aspects of your business. This frees up your time to concentrate on what you do best.

Efficiency and Productivity: By streamlining processes and implementing effective systems, an OBM can significantly increase your business’s efficiency and productivity. They identify bottlenecks and introduce solutions to optimize workflows.

Project Management: An OBM manages projects from inception to completion, ensuring that all tasks are completed on time and within budget. They handle planning, execution, monitoring, and closing of projects.

Marketing Strategy and Implementation: An OBM can develop and execute marketing strategies to grow your business. They manage social media, email campaigns, content marketing, and other promotional activities to increase your brand visibility.

Tech Management: Staying on top of the latest technology trends and tools is crucial for business success. An OBM ensures that you are using the best software and platforms to support your business operations.

Client Relationship Management: Maintaining strong relationships with clients is key to business growth. An OBM ensures that client needs are met, communication is clear, and service delivery is top-notch.

Business Growth and Scaling: If you’re looking to scale your business, an OBM can help you develop a growth strategy, manage the scaling process, and ensure that your business infrastructure can support increased demand.

Outsourcing to YOU has been a gift to my biz!

Patrice Poltzer

Patrice Poltzer Creative

Monthly Retainer Support

  • 20+ hours of OBM services per month

OBM Services may include:

  • Project Management
  • Systems Building & SOPs
  • Monitoring Metrics & Analysis
  • Recruiting & Vetting Employees/Contractors
  • Monthly Strategy Systems

Online Business Implementation services may include:

  • Autoresponders, sales funnels & marketing campaigns
  • Website development & maintenance
  • CRM strategy & creation
  • Email marketing strategy & creation

 Starting at $1200/month

Shanna is extremely helpful in doing the things that I just don’t want to do in my business. I also appreciate that she takes her time and asks questions making sure of exactly what I need and when.

Gabby Blitz Rosen

Townhouse Digital

Package-Based Project Work

  • Funnels: Lead Magnet, Sales, Waitlists, Opt-ins
  • Email Marketing: Builds, Migration, Sequences, Lists, Opt-ins, Waitlists
  • Systems Blueprint & Mapping
  • SOP Creation

All project needs are different and customized and are priced accordingly.

  • I take up to two projects simultaneously, and they go fast. Fill out my inquiry form to get started!
  • Details of “what you get” will be discussed on our call and within the proposal as each project has unique needs and requirements.


 Starting at $2000

What is always included:
  • Asset Tracker Spreadsheet
  • Recorded Loom Training Videos
  • Recorded Zoom walkthrough
  • Post-project help (amount is determined on project scope).

As I writer, I spend hours researching various journals and publishers depending on the genre I’m working in at the time. I check/double-check guidelines and deadlines, send out material, and search the internet for venues suitable for my particular work. Combined with frequent travel, the pressures of this sort of “office work” associated with writing became overwhelming, and I realized I needed help, so I consulted GYST Assisting. After we discussed my work, what I thought I needed, and how she might help me, I signed on. Working with GYST Assisting has been a great relief! I’m free to write, and with this new freedom, I’ve also come up with projects I wouldn’t have thought of under the dual jobs of writing and office work. If you want more time to think over new ideas, more time to develop your business; to put hopes into action without getting bogged down — or if you want to give the gift of more time to someone — contact GYST Assisting. Short term or long term, you can get to the work you love doing.

Ona S.
