…when it comes to business organization!

Too much in too many places (Google drive, PM Tool, saved on your computer) can lead to overwhelm and bring you to a standstill.

This is one area I’ve become super aware of in my own business and how much stress and overwhelm it was causing.

I thought I was organized in where I kept everything, but boy was I wrong! It was hot mess central.

What have I done to improve? Scaled back on where I keep everything and visualized how my brain will respond positively to that organizational system:

  1. Utilize Google Drive as your storage system and slowly move anything you have on your laptop storage or anywhere else, over. This means ONE place for EVERYTHING from spreadsheets, docs, media, and branding.
  2. Do NOT use your project management tool to store anything but instead link out from the task to the doc/spreadsheet/etc in Google drive. Using a doc tool in another system (such as Clickup) is way too much and I usually miss things.
  3. Make a list of all of the main headings that you use on a weekly basis. These will be your main areas of business and…surprise…where you should look into creating your biz systems!

Simplifying your processes and even where you store things will reduce the amount of overwhelm and confusion…there’s nothing worse than not finding that one important doc that you created two weeks ago and not knowing which tool you stored it in!