The way you are being taught quite often makes you feel like what you’re doing is wrong.
News Flash: it’s not the truth, you’re just conditioned to believe it to be true.
From the time we start school up to the present we are told we are:
1. Slow learners
2. Too hyper
3. Too Sensitive
4. Daydreamers
5. Dropouts
6. Lazy
7. Impulsive
8. Moody
9. Procrastinators
10. Will never be successful.
But guess what my friends…we may be all (or some or more) of those things above BUT we are not ‘wrong’.
We are ADHDers living in a neurotypical world (I dare you not to sing it 😆) and have been taught, at a very young age, that how we ‘are’ is incorrect.SURPRISE (but not really).
SURPRISE (but not really), people with ADHD are 300% more likely to become entrepreneurs and so many business leaders out there have ADHD (Shane Perrault Ph.D in Psychology Today).
YOU are in the right space, right here, right now. You’re not doing it ‘wrong’ you’ve just been told over and over that you are so you believe it.
This is your permission to stop – YOU have the power to pull yourself out of that box ‘they’ve’ put you in and be your quirky, amazing, inventive, unique, creative, high-energy self!
I see you, I’m with you, I support YOU!!