Raise your hand if…

Raise your hand if…

…you’ve ever felt like going back to your day job? Or, laying on the couch for a month? Or trying to get that last project done AND be a mom AND manage a household AND feel all the guilt that goes along with it? Oh Yeah, I’ve had those days (weeks, sometimes a...
Less is MORE…

Less is MORE…

…when it comes to business organization! Too much in too many places (Google drive, PM Tool, saved on your computer) can lead to overwhelm and bring you to a standstill. This is one area I’ve become super aware of in my own business and how much stress and...
8 Key Sales Page Elements

8 Key Sales Page Elements

So what’s the point of a Sales/Landing Page? This is the entry point where people go to view ALL of the information on your offer after you’ve established awareness. What are some top tips to remember before and during a sales page build that will convert...