The Blog

The Perils of Chasing the Next Big Idea: The Neurodivergent’s Entrepreneur Dilemma

I cannot tell you how many started but unfinished projects I have on my Google Drive. I even have an "Archived" folder, but the sad part is that they are archived because most were never even launched, and I never had an opportunity to see if they were even relevant....

The Power of ‘Why’: Reconnecting with Your Business Purpose When You Feel Lost

Picture this: It's 3 AM, and you're wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Your mind is racing faster than a squirrel after its seventh espresso shot. You're wondering if you should pivot your business to become a professional pickle taste-tester. (Mmm, pickles... No,...

5 Signs You Need Better Transitions in Your AudHD Entrepreneurial Life

As an entrepreneur with AudHD (Autism and ADHD), you're likely familiar with the unique challenges that come with managing your time and energy. One area that often trips up neurodivergent business owners is transitions - those crucial moments when we shift from one...

Mastering Task Switching: Strategies for the Multi-Passionate Neurodivergent Business Owner

Being neurodivergent, you're likely familiar with the exhilarating rush of ideas and the challenge of juggling multiple projects. Your multi-passionate nature is a skill, but it can also lead to overwhelm and scattered focus. Let's dive into strategies that will help...

Escaping Overthink Land: Take that Decisive Action

As entrepreneurs, particularly those of us who are neurodivergent, we often find ourselves trapped in what I like to call “Overthink Land.” It’s a chaotic mental amusement park where decisions go to get dizzy, and clarity seems as elusive as winning that giant stuffed...

Navigating Burnout: A Neurodivergent Entrepreneur’s Guide to Recognizing and Recovering from Overwhelm

It was 3 AM on a weeknight in 2021. I found myself staring at my computer screen, the glow illuminating my tear-stained cheeks. I had been working on my marketing for what felt like days, but the results just weren't coming. As a neurodivergent, I am used to the highs...

Effective Delegation Strategies for the Perfectionist Entrepreneur

For many high-achieving business owners, particularly those who are neurodivergent, building a successful enterprise often means pouring heart and soul into every detail. Your keen eye for precision and unwavering commitment to excellence have been the cornerstones of...

5 Powerful Decision-Making Strategies for Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

As a neurodivergent business owner, you bring unique strengths to the table – creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to see connections others might miss. But sometimes, these same qualities can lead to overthinking and analysis paralysis, especially when it...

7 Signs You’re Stuck in Analysis Paralysis (And How to Break Free)

As a neurodivergent entrepreneur, you're fortunate with a mind that can see possibilities others might miss. But sometimes, that gift can feel more like a curse, especially when it comes to making decisions. If you've ever found yourself stuck in the quicksand of...

The 5-Minute System Reset: for Overwhelmed Neurodivergent Business Owners

As a neurodivergent entrepreneur, does your brilliant mind sometimes feel like a browser with 100 tabs open? You're not alone. Our unique brain wiring often leads us to excel in creative problem-solving and innovative thinking. However, this same trait can sometimes...


5 Myths That Make Starting a Side Hustle Look Easy

5 Myths That Make Starting a Side Hustle Look Easy

The Reality of It All Starting a side hustle seems like the perfect way to make some extra cash on the side, especially if you’re already working a full-time job, like me. It can be a creative outlet, a way to build a business, or simply an opportunity to monetize a...

Are You a People Pleaser?

Are You a People Pleaser?

9 Tell-Tale Signs to Look For Are you someone who often puts other people’s needs before your own? Do you feel a strong urge to please everyone around you, regardless of the potential cost to yourself? If so, chances are that you may have “people-pleasing” tendencies....

The Pop Therapy Phenomenon

The Pop Therapy Phenomenon

Understanding its Influence and Implications As someone who values mental health and well-being, the world of psychology and therapy can sometimes feel overwhelming. There are so many different approaches and modalities out there, each with its own jargon and...

ADHD Unleashed

ADHD Unleashed

The Positive Power of a Mental Health Label Mental health is a sensitive topic for many people. Some people view it as a weakness to seek help. Others feel ashamed to have a medical or mental label attached to them. When I was first diagnosed with ADHD, I felt a weird...

Mental Health vs Emotional Health

Mental Health vs Emotional Health

Know the Difference Mental health and emotional health are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two different concepts. Mental health refers to your overall well-being, whereas emotional health is more focused on your ability to cope with and manage your...

Are You Your Own Worst Critic?                                           9 Warning Signs of Self-Gaslighting

Are You Your Own Worst Critic? 9 Warning Signs of Self-Gaslighting

We all have heard about the term gaslighting, which is a form of emotional abuse that makes the victim doubt their reality. But, have you ever heard about self-gaslighting? It is a form of gaslighting that we do to ourselves. Self-gaslighting is a psychological term...

Neurodivergent Negativity Bias

Neurodivergent Negativity Bias

Are you a Neurodivergent individual struggling with negative thoughts? Have you noticed that ruminating on the negatives in life is sadly too familiar? Research has found that many people who identify as neurodivergent (including ADHD) can suffer from what experts...

10 Common Signs of Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

10 Common Signs of Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Are you someone who worries excessively about being rejected by others? Do you feel like you are constantly scrutinizing your behavior for fear of not being liked or accepted by those around you? If so, it could be a sign that you’re suffering from rejection...

Understanding Sound Sensitivity in ADHD

Understanding Sound Sensitivity in ADHD

Sound sensitivity is a common but often misunderstood phenomenon with ADHD. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by loud noises, had difficulty concentrating due to noise in the background, or experienced an uncomfortable level of “noise intolerance”, then you may be...

5 Signs You May Have Both Autism and ADHD

5 Signs You May Have Both Autism and ADHD

Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused, trying to determine if you are living with both autism and ADHD? Experiencing either one of these neurodevelopmental conditions can be challenging enough, but when the two overlapping symptoms of auDHD (Autism + ADHD) occur...

The Impact of Impulsivity on Financial Decision-Making With ADHD

The Impact of Impulsivity on Financial Decision-Making With ADHD

If you have ADHD, impulsivity is likely a big part of your life. Impulsivity can range from making fast decisions to acting without thinking about the consequences. Unfortunately, when it comes to managing money and making financial decisions, impulsivity might be...

Learn How to Communicate with ADHD Partners

Learn How to Communicate with ADHD Partners

If you’re dating or married to someone with ADHD, you may feel like you’re always walking on eggshells. Miscommunications are common, and it can be difficult to know how to best communicate with each other. With a little patience and understanding, you can learn how...

The Impact of Executive Dysfunction on Everyday Life:

The Impact of Executive Dysfunction on Everyday Life:

One Major Symptom of ADHD I have ADHD, and with it comes executive dysfunction. This symptom can have a profound impact on everyday life. Executive dysfunction makes tasks that may seem simple to others complex and difficult. As we grow older decisions become more...

ADHD Paralysis: What is it & What Can You Do?

ADHD Paralysis: What is it & What Can You Do?

Have you ever felt like your brain is just too full? That there’s so much going on up there that you can’t possibly keep track of it all? If so, then you might be a neurodivergent. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and it’s a neurological...

An Introduction to Programmatic SEO: What You Need to Know

An Introduction to Programmatic SEO: What You Need to Know

Are you a business, startup, or entrepreneur looking to optimize your website and online presence? Programmatic SEO is essentially the automation of various processes related to search engine optimization (SEO). This means that instead of needing to manually complete...

6 Essential Tips for Creating an Engaging Blog

6 Essential Tips for Creating an Engaging Blog

If you're looking to engage your readers and get more people reading your blog, then you'll want to check out these 6 essential tips. From writing catchy headlines to using images and videos, we'll show you how to make your blog more engaging and get the most out of...

Harnessing the Power of Automation in Business Systems

Harnessing the Power of Automation in Business Systems

For businesses, automating systems and processes can be a huge time-and-money-saver. By taking advantage of the latest automation technologies, businesses can streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and better serve their customers. In this blog post, we'll...

What Does ‘Vertical’ Mean in Business Terms

What Does ‘Vertical’ Mean in Business Terms

Check Out the Top 5 I was applying to a content writer position the other day and one of their questions was "what is your vertical experience for this position?" Ummm, what? I'd never heard that term before and was stumped. So, as any budding writer does, I went to...