The Trap of ‘Frankensteining’

This phenomenon, which I affectionately call ‘frankensteining’ your business, is all too common among entrepreneurs, particularly those of us juggling multiple roles. We piece together strategies from various sources, hoping to create a cohesive business plan. The result? Often, it is a disjointed mess that leaves us feeling overwhelmed and underequipped.

Don’t get me wrong—some freebies can be incredibly valuable. The problem arises when we become addicted to the quick fix they seem to offer and neglect the development of sustainable, long-term business systems.

Understanding Our Motivations

So, why do we fall into this trap? For many of us, especially those transitioning from corporate careers or balancing business with family life, freebies offer a sense of progress without commitment. They provide instant gratification and the illusion of productivity. But in reality, they often contribute to decision fatigue and information overload.

The key lies in shifting our focus from accumulating resources to implementing systems. Instead of downloading yet another freebie, ask yourself: “What foundational business system can I establish or improve today?” This could be a customer relationship management (CRM) system, a project management tool, or a standardized onboarding process for new clients.

Taking Action

So, how do we make this shift?

Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate freebies entirely but to approach them strategically. Use them to supplement your existing systems, not as a substitute for them.

Embracing the Journey

It’s time to break free from the cycle of endless downloads and start building a business that can truly thrive. Your future self – and your Google Drive – will thank you.