Launching an offer online is a monumental task regardless of what it is.

I’ve helped my clientele with short launches, intense launches, failed launches, and quiet yet impactful launches. All with different results, some good and some not so good.

I’ve played a small part in some of them and more recently a big role in planning, managing, and implementing pre to post-sales.

My best advice if you’re considering launching any type of offer in 2022? Strategize and plan NOW. Like right after you’re done reading this — sit down and start your outline!

Leaving things to the last minute or rushing through because you feel like you need to get your offer out sooner will not lead to a successful launch. You will feel stressed, disorganized, and sales probably won’t be as good as you want them to be. 

There are a lot more moving parts and items to accomplish than you think there. Give yourself AT LEAST two months to create:

  1. An outline of the system(s) you need to accomplish everything pre-launch
  2. A visual map of your launch blueprint
  3. An actionable plan of who, what, where, when, and how things will get done
  4. A tech stack that will support you and automate as much as possible so you can focus on leads, new clients, DMs, 1:1s, course teachings, etc.
  5. A plan to CELEBRATE your accomplishment regardless of the outcome — you’ve created something amazing in your area of expertise. That’s no small feat — be proud of what you put out there!!

Take your time. Really think about what you are launching and how it will serve your audience.

And intuitively build your systems around your brand style and your clientele’s needs.

No rush! A great launch thoughtfully strategized and built will ultimately bring you a stress-free and more connected presence!

Having a knowledgeable systems strategist by your side to help you plan and implement can make all the difference!