A trait that some with ADHD have is impulsivity spending…

Yeah, I have this is for sure.

And in my business it embodies as…Courses….I am a course HOARDER!!

Impulsivity spending is a thing…I talk a lot about dopamine rush and clicking that ‘purchase’ button is SUCH.A.RUSH!! Do I need another pair of cozy sweatpants? Probably not, but it’s a new color and I am SOOOO excited to get that Amazon box in the mail.

Season 3 Netflix GIF By Gilmore Girls

Do I already have templates and courses on how to create amazing content, copy, ways to create a new snazzy offer? Oh yeah, but this shiny new [course, template, program] is going to be better and I WANT IT, I want the RUSH, the immediate feeling of excitement.I have to put this desire in check EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

And, when I find myself struggling, I talk to my coaches about it (I have a biz and leadership AND mindset coach) on Voxer or email. They understand my neurodiverse idiosyncracies and are so willing to guide and ask questions in a non-confrontational way (because sidenote, confrontation triggers us too sometimes, amiright?!).

Having an ADHD business coach that understands and knows what you’re going through, because news flash I’m going through it too, could be the turning point in your business for the better! Let’s start a chat about how I can help you move forward and talk through some of the day-to-day struggles you have running your badass biz as an ADHD entrepreneur!

Oh and I bet you can’t guess how many online courses/template mini-courses I have hoarded!!