So what’s the point of a Sales/Landing Page?

This is the entry point where people go to view ALL of the information on your offer after you’ve established awareness. What are some top tips to remember before and during a sales page build that will convert well?

  1. Know your ideal clientele BEFORE you begin drafting your copy and the design. You should have already done this through market research when you first brainstormed your offer. I laid out last week how important it is and how different groups of people are drawn to different styles of marketing.
  2. Use LOTS of Call to Actions (CTAs) in the form of buttons, links and clickable visuals. Spread them throughout your page and make them pop and easy to find. If it takes to long to find where I can take further action, you’ve lost me as a sale.
  3. Break up your sales page sections and DO NOT overcrowd your page. Easy digestible information in the form of bold headers, lists and copy breaks (think outline format).
  4. Testimonials are key and you should have a section. It doesn’t have to be crazy – I have three on my sales page. Social proof goes a long way and establishes that trust factor in what you can provide.
  5. Add graphics and images that are applicable to what you’re selling. And less is more… a few impactful visuals are so much better than something thrown in from pixabay or unsplash.
  6. Create a SIMPLE FAQ section with the top questions you know or have been asked about your offer. This will prevent fewer questions you have to answer before someone buys and establishes authority in your offer.
  7. Provide a GENUINE transformation. You’re providing a service and helping someone with a problem they have. Give them that on your sales page then GIVE them that when they buy.
  8. Don’t forget the THANK YOU/SUCCESS Page!! When they push that ‘purchase’ button, send them to a confirmation page that celebrates and thanks them for buying your offer! And gives them further instructions on what will come next –> email confirmation with all the goodies and links they need, etc.!

Top tip: don’t stress too much. I think a lot of us put the most effort into this one part. While it is important, there is so much more to an effective funnel than just the page.

Remember to keep it simple, know who you’re selling to, and be appreciative of every.single.purchaser!